As moms, we are constantly hearing about all the groundbreaking new programs, products, and opportunities that we should be offering our children…
Great Expectations
We desire to approach each stage of our kids’ development and each new challenge with a faith-filled perspective…
The Struggle of Obedience
I walked into the living room to find toys scattered everywhere and a very forlorn figure sitting in the midst of them…
Leading With a Broken Heart
I had just corrected him out of frustration in a tone that was too harsh
God’s Vision for Motherhood
When we embrace God’s pattern for raising children, it brings strength — not weakness — into our lives.
Raising Gospel-Centered Children
Have you ever considered what the ultimate goal is in regards to child training and parenting?
Victory Over Meltdowns
Spiritual growth doesn’t just happen…
Powerful Prayer Strategies for Moms
Spiritual growth doesn’t just happen…Just in time for Mother’s Day!
Practical Ways to Disciple Your Kids
Studies have shown that large numbers of children who have grown up in Christian homes…