Leslie’s Heart and Passion for
Set Apart Motherhood
Eric and I were married for nearly ten years before we had children. Then God in His providence (and divine sense of humor) blessed us with four kids in four years (two by adoption and two by birth) – and then two toddlers from Haiti a few years after that! Since we have been in public ministry for most of our married life, we thought we were seasoned at handling challenges. But the pressures of speaking in front of large crowds, meeting book deadlines, and leading a ministry have paled comparison to the challenges of parenting six children (and all of the dynamics that have come with multiple adoptions!)
I’ve never met a mother who feels like she’s doing everything perfectly. And that is a relief, because neither do I! We must always remember that being a good mother doesn’t mean being perfect. It means becoming dependent upon the only One who is. Whenever I lean fully and completely on Jesus Christ, He faithfully points me to His perfect pattern for motherhood, one situation at a time.
In essence, set apart motherhood is not about trying to impress people with our parenting skills but about humbly applying God’s truth to every challenge we face as mothers. Set apart motherhood means diligently seeking to become the mothers God has called us to be, one step at a time.
Our job is not to try to become supermoms or Proverbs 31 women in our own strength. Our job is to surrender to God without reserve and to trust Him with every detail of this heavenly calling. No matter how ill-equipped you may feel as a mother, God has a beautiful purpose for your motherhood role, and He desires you to be strong and prepared for this sacred task. That is the vision I hope you’ll catch as you look through the articles and resources on this site.
Remember, faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it! (See 1 Thessalonians 5:24.)