Trendy home design shows can often make us wistful of all we don’t have and discouraged over all we have yet to do in our living space. This week, Leslie points to an important heart-attitude to cultivate in your approach to home design — the beauty of contentment. Discover how to cultivate a Christ-centered living space with three helpful principles that won’t lead you to the right look for your space, but definitely to the right perspective.
The area of home decor and design is best approached from a biblical perspective, otherwise it can quickly pull our gaze away from Christ. It is possible to create a space that reflects the order, peace, and beauty of God while not neglecting contentment in the process. Contentment enables us to create beautiful surroundings while maintaining a God-honoring approach to keep ungodly attitudes from creeping into our hearts.
3 Perspectives Necessary in Creating a God-Honoring Living Space
1. This World is Not Our Home
The culture pushes us to create spaces that we love and “spark joy,” but as believers, we ask a different question: “Lord, how can I bless and serve others in a space that reflects your glory?”
The goal and aim of a living environment is to bless others and reflect God’s nature. Remember that creating beauty in our homes should be a reflection of what God has cultivated within us.
When you are baited towards discouragement or comparison, remember that the One who created the heavens and the earth is at this moment adorning our heavenly home with His very presence. Look forward to spending eternity with Him and live in light of that reality!
2. This Life is Not About Us
Practical Tips to Realign Your Design Focus:
- Prayerfully consider whether there is a lingering sense of entitlement to having personal preferences fulfilled in regards to our home decor dreams.
- Identify if the way you approach your living space reflects a selfish or selfless mindset.
- Examine your motivates behind what you are adding, updating, fixing, or removing from your living space.
- Look for ways to reverse selfish patterns.
- Purpose to use your space to glorify God and bless others.
- Consider cutting back on design shows or magazines that are breeding contentment within your soul.
3. Living a Poured-Out Life Requires Sacrifice
As we follow Christ, there will be things that we must be willing to forgo in light of all that we receive in Him. Remember that a poured-out path requires these personal sacrifices and willingly and joyfully embraces the specific sacrifices in which God is calling you. Above all, be encouraged with the fact that He will repay, He will reward, and He will honor those who honor Him.
Final Thoughts
Martha the sister of Mary and Lazarus was probably an excellent hostess, yet she lost sight of what was most important — sitting at the feet of Jesus. She chose beauty without contentment and looked for satisfaction in her homemaking success than in the presence of Christ. May it not be said of us as we look to Christ to define the standard of our home decor and design!
Scripture References
1 Timothy 6:6
Hebrews 13:5
Luke 12:15
1 John 2:15-17
Matthew 16:24
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