Do the men in your life need a fresh vision for noble, godly masculinity?
If you have ever been hurt or frustrated by the men in your life, it’s tempting to simply throw your hands up in disgust or defeat and never expect to see them change. But it doesn’t have to be this way! God has an amazing design for masculinity, and we as women can play a tremendous role in helping men discover His pattern. Prayer, encouragement, and pointing men toward Christ can have a far greater impact than nagging and criticism. And if you are looking for a powerful way to motivate the men in your life toward greatness, I have a resource to recommend…
Eric’s Honorable Manhood Program is a powerful 8-week online experience that introduces men to God’s epic, noble design for their masculinity and sexuality. Whether you have a husband, a son, a brother, or a father, you can make an eternal difference in his life by encouraging him to take part in this engaging, biblically-rich program. This program is offered twice a year and fills quickly.